Saturday, June 16, 2012

How do you say yellow in Korean?

I got my yellow belt today!!!  It was a much smaller testing class this time than my first one, I think maybe 7 of us.  I was also the only 'adult' in the bunch.  Funny enough, this meant that I was actually in the back row of a group photo for once!  My nerves were somewhat better this time around, but there were still butterflies.  I guess I had no real reason to worry, as my entire testing went pretty smoothly.

The best part was that I broke my board on the first try!  I have to agree with Mr Saxton 100% about the wooden boards being easier to break than the re-breakable ones... and I have the bruised ankle to prove it.  If that bit of painful practice yesterday was what helped me with today, then at least it was worth it.  It made me laugh when Mrs Saxton said my break today made her nervous for Mr Saxton (who was holding the board) and he admitted the same.

I even got to redeem myself with regards to counting.  This time I was entirely prepared and smoothly rattled off the numbers through ten in Korean.  I suspect my pronunciation may have left a little to be desired, but at least I actually know them now!

I've been really impressed over the last 6 months by how supportive everyone is at CMA; the instructors, my fellow students, and even (or especially) their families.  It was quite obvious today when everyone applauded/cheered/encouraged each student.  That atmosphere certainly helps to foster one's 'Indomitable Spirit.'  It definitely inspires me to keep going!

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