Speaking of contact, the second half of class tonight was devoted to sparring. Since I have no gear (there's only extra gear to borrow at the main dojang), I didn't get to spar. Instead I was in charge of time-keeping with the stopwatch. During these three minute increments, I enjoyed watching the guys. It was obvious that they were having a lot of fun. I also noticed that because all five of us have different uniforms, we resembled some demented sort of pajama party tickle fight.
Now that I've seen how CMA's sparring sessions go, I'm more ready than ever to give it a try. Of course that meant ordering myself some gear first, which is what I did as soon as I got home. I got light blue so my gear would be easily distinguished from everybody else's. What I didn't think about was the fact that between my gear and my white dobok, I'll now look ESPECIALLY like a big fluffy cloud. Erg. At least the TKD seems to be helping me get past my weight loss plateau, so I can get less fluffy.
Because of work, my next class won't be until Friday. I'm okay with that though, because it means a noon class at the main studio. I think this is probably how my class schedule will stay for the foreseeable future. I might have to find a way to kill time between the Friday noon class and the evening sparring session though, to save on driving. I'm thinking library and dinner.
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